Well here I sit in the OR waiting room waiting for the Doctor to come tell me how Dj's surgery went. This wasn't on my agenda...
At 3:00am Thur morning Dj awoke from a dead sleep with excruciating pain. He got up wasn't sure what he was doing but he didn't wake me...yet. He woke me to tell me that something was really wrong. He started rocking on his knees on our bed and started to cry. Waking up to this I was a little paralyzed and not entirely sure what to do or how to respond. Of course, I initially am a little irritated because I am so freaking exhausted and if it's not Lily waking me up now it's my husband. I asked him, "Do you think Motrin or norco will help?" He informed me that he had already taken a norco because he had just been seen at Urgent care less than 8hrs prior for his wrist inflammation that occurred again. He needed more pain meds and decided to be seen. I already harped on him for not getting a referral to the specialist and making an appointment There was nothing that his PCP or Urgent Care could do for him.
Now I'm looking at him and he is in excruciating pain. I told him if his pain level is that bad then he should go to the ER. He decides that is a good idea. Accept our two babies are asleep and I can't drive him. He was going to attempt to drive himself, made it to the driveway and came back inside. Came to our room and told me that he called 9-1-1 and the ambulance was on it's way. I was so shocked that this had escalated to a 9-1-1 status I again was paralyzed not sure what to do next. I had already just got up with Lily an hour prior and put her back down.
I got out of bed and was standing by the door waiting with him for the paramedics to arrive. He leaned against the wall and started moaning and crying. I of course was not so compassionate. At that moment I told him, "If you wake up Lily so help me God". In retrospect, perhaps that was inappropriate. In fact, I know it was but I couldn't help it. It was hard for me to understand what he was going through, what was happening and if his pain level was in fact that high to be transported by ambulance to the ED.
We see the lights from the Fire truck & ambulance coming down our street. He jokingly said, "Really? They sent a fire truck?" We walk outside to avoid any commotion in the house with the kids asleep. He made it to my Jeep and bent over on the hood and couldn't walk. The paramedics & firemen came up the driveway and I informed them of what was going on. They whisked him away in the ambulance and it was back to bed I go to try and get a little more sleep before what was to come the next day.
I finally fell back asleep and Lily woke up about 730. I checked my phone and all I had was one text from Dj saying "waiting to see what surgeon says". My first thought, surgery? What the heck?! Jayden starts yelling just cause he can. Good Morning my children. I get them up and start getting us all ready, call Nadia to ask if I can drop the kids off early so I can get over to the hospital to check on Dj.
Got kids dropped of shortly after 8. Called my mom to let her know. Was on my way to the hospital....
I get there just as the Physician is talking to Dj. Perfect.
CT scan= appendicitis
He's having surgery today.
Long story short. (shorter) He spent 12 hrs in the ED and went straight to the OR from there. His surgery was 1hr 20min after we were told probably about 30min. After waiting 3 hrs the Surgeon finally called me, by phone, apparently she didn't know there was family waiting. Bullshit. All that matters is that it went well, he did fine and he would be recovering 1-3 days.
After getting him settled I left and came home about 8pm. Got Jayden to bed about 9:15. Lily woke up at 10pm she was hungry. Woke up at 5am she was wet. Up and at em by 7. Got the kids ready, went and got a cup of coffee and gassed up the truck. Waited for my mom to come stay with the kids and back to the hospital I went.
Based on conversations I was expecting to take him home with me but that was not the case. He is still suffering from gad pain and can not switch to oral pain meds just yet so he is still on IV pain therapy. He's up and walking which is good. They removed his appendix laparoscopically.
In order to do this they had to fill up his belly with air and that's why he has such severe gas pain. Everyone I talked to said it's the most painful part until he passes it all. I never thought I would be so happy to hear the man fart and burp. But that means less internally which means less pain.
I left him again for the night at 5 headed home to the kiddos. Time to clean up and get ready for his homecoming tomorrow. My mom already did an amazing job helping me pick up the house and take care of the kids. I don't know what I would have done with out here. It helped so much to be able to leave them and know they were fine.
The real challenge is ahead of me as I try and take care of Dj once he's home keeping his pain levels under control and juggling a 1 & 3yr old and keep them OFF their daddy that they miss so much.
One more night solo then let the fun begin!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Mixed emotions
Only in the last hour I've been able to wind down. Lily woke back up Jayden just went down late. Turned on some tv saw something sad and let the water works begin. I think after last night and being so tiring mentally, emotionally and physically my body is tense, my shoulders aches, I never catch enough sleep and I'm now in an indescribable mode. I can't rest, I can't relax, work is tense and I need an outlet. For now I guess that is wine and blogging. Thankful 1/2 way through the week!!
Tests of all tests
Tonight was one of those mommy hair pulling, nerve pinching, heart melting, belly laughing, lip biting, deep breaths kind of kid night. For whatever reason Jayden decided he was going to express himself in screams, meltdowns and tantrums. I have NEVER seen him act the way he did tonight. Protested every single routine. Whew. Once I was able to take a mommy break I was able to go back into Jayden's room, hold him, rock him, even sang to him. I don't know what took over him tonight. But mommy loves every side of you my dear sweet Jayden. To the moon and back. ♥ Forever your mommy ♥
A post from my facebook page tonight https://www.facebook.com/hayes.christy
Tonight was exhausting to say the least. Here is the detailed version. Lengthy, read at our own leisure. From the moment I picked the kids up from daycare. Non stop. Starting with the typical flip out when I pick them up and the daycare's daughter (same age as Jayden) comes to the door and steps outsdie. Jayden consistantly protests this action for the past couple weeks. "No Maya! No! No!" Grabs her shirt, pulls her hair, scratches her, pinches her, kicks, hit. You name it he tries it. For whatever reason he has become VERY territorial of his house. He does NOT want her to come over. In the past she escapes, runs to our house, opens the door and comes in. We laughed in the past. Apparently it is no joking matter to Jayden any longer. This is HIS house. He freaks out walking past the lavendar on our front porch because he hears the bees. Thinks he's going to get stung like mommy did (3 days ago).
The kids are hungry the moment we walk in the door. It's after 5pm. I start to make them some dinner and Maya and her older brother wander over to our front yard. Jayden's like a guard dog and immediately runs to the front screen door, locks it, and says, "No Maya! You're not coming in here." The two of them are outside, my two are inside. I observe. They start kicking and hitting the screen door I tell them to stop. Nazar, the older brother, decides he wants to catch the big moth mounted on our wall. The littles watch, now Jayden is interested and wants to go outside. Unfortunately, I tell him no, we are not going out front (I don't feel like chasing Lily nor playing referre to Jayden and Maya). Jayden opens the door, which triggers Lily to try and escape. I pull Jayden back in, Lily starts crying, Jayden starts crying. I shut both doors. Meltdown city in surround sound. Awesome! I redirect their attention the backyard. Lily is all for it, Jayden is not having it. Meltdown and screams continue. Time out given.
Fast forward 30 min. I smell poop. Lily's finally pooped. She's constipated. Both my children suffer from it (no matter how hard I try and control their diet). I change her, I change him. I decide it's bath time. Que the next meltdown for Jayden and the whining. "I don't want to take a bath!" Sorry buddy, you're dirty, time for a bath. I throw them both in the bath. Lily is my water baby, I have to keep her from diving in most of the time. Jayden hates baths. And when I say hate, I mean this boy would never ever take a bath if I let him. Tears undressing, refused to sit, I washed him standing, it made him mad so he starts to stomp in the bathtub. I wouldn't have mind so much except his poor little sister is sitting in the tub getting splashed in the face looking at him like the crazy 3yr old he is. I warn him. Finished washing his body and face (no hair tonight or the world would end as we know it). Told him all done and you can get out now. I wrap him in a towel he gets to the door way, throws it off in protest and runs butt naked into the living room. Fine, you're going to get cold. I go back to washing my angel Lily girl, who is having a ball now that her sissy la la of a brother is out of her way. I get her out, get her dressed.
Jayden is naked on the couch playing with his peepee. After 15min or so he informs me that he does not want a pee. Mind you, he has been pulling on it, squeezing it, flopping it around while watching TV. I'm sitting on the other couch cracking up at my innocent 3yr old's body play. He's never naked, it's only natural. This is not an everyday occurence in our house. I ask him why he doesn't want a peepee. No answer. I say, "You have a peepee like Daddy and Lily has one like Mommy because we are girls" Perhaps that was too much because his response was, "Can I see?" I respond, "It's just like
Lily's honey." Knowing that she was just naked and in the bath was enough for his memory to connect the dots apparently. Whew. Dodged the vagina and penis comparison. Awesome. Lily goes to bed. My lil hellion, I mean angel left. He's now barking orders that he wants his "favorite fruit" (x20). Ummm, "strawberries?" "NO!" "orange?" "NO!" "banana?" "NO!" "apple" "NO....YES!" Ok, good He's eating and watching a cartoon. All of a sudden I see him spit his apple out behind the couch (it's not against the wall). Excuse me! We do not spit out our food! Pick that up right now! 1....2....he picks it up and throws it in the kitchen. Jayden! Pick that up and put it in the trash we do not spit or throw our food on the floor! 1....2.....3....SPANK! Tears. Hugs. Explanation. At this point my patience is running low. We continue to experience screams, tantrums, etc. By 7pm, I've had it, I grab him (after giving him the usual warnings) and put him to bed. I tell him it's not ok to act like this. It's not ok. He of course flips out. I give him 5min and let him try on more time to come out in the living room. He wants my work laptop, no. "I want to wait until you're done" lol. You can have daddy's computer. "I want to watch a movie" Ok which one? "ummm Ice age." Ok sure. Watching ice age. I make popcorn and he flips out because he wants the big bowl. Here we go again. I make it to 8pm and off to bed he goes!! 8:30 he's still yelling "I. DONT. WANT. TO GO. TO. BED!!!" "ahhhhhhhh" I think he's even starting to yell the word "crap" but im not sure.
I didn't go to bed til midnight. Pure exhaustion.
A post from my facebook page tonight https://www.facebook.com/hayes.christy
Tonight was exhausting to say the least. Here is the detailed version. Lengthy, read at our own leisure. From the moment I picked the kids up from daycare. Non stop. Starting with the typical flip out when I pick them up and the daycare's daughter (same age as Jayden) comes to the door and steps outsdie. Jayden consistantly protests this action for the past couple weeks. "No Maya! No! No!" Grabs her shirt, pulls her hair, scratches her, pinches her, kicks, hit. You name it he tries it. For whatever reason he has become VERY territorial of his house. He does NOT want her to come over. In the past she escapes, runs to our house, opens the door and comes in. We laughed in the past. Apparently it is no joking matter to Jayden any longer. This is HIS house. He freaks out walking past the lavendar on our front porch because he hears the bees. Thinks he's going to get stung like mommy did (3 days ago).
The kids are hungry the moment we walk in the door. It's after 5pm. I start to make them some dinner and Maya and her older brother wander over to our front yard. Jayden's like a guard dog and immediately runs to the front screen door, locks it, and says, "No Maya! You're not coming in here." The two of them are outside, my two are inside. I observe. They start kicking and hitting the screen door I tell them to stop. Nazar, the older brother, decides he wants to catch the big moth mounted on our wall. The littles watch, now Jayden is interested and wants to go outside. Unfortunately, I tell him no, we are not going out front (I don't feel like chasing Lily nor playing referre to Jayden and Maya). Jayden opens the door, which triggers Lily to try and escape. I pull Jayden back in, Lily starts crying, Jayden starts crying. I shut both doors. Meltdown city in surround sound. Awesome! I redirect their attention the backyard. Lily is all for it, Jayden is not having it. Meltdown and screams continue. Time out given.
Fast forward 30 min. I smell poop. Lily's finally pooped. She's constipated. Both my children suffer from it (no matter how hard I try and control their diet). I change her, I change him. I decide it's bath time. Que the next meltdown for Jayden and the whining. "I don't want to take a bath!" Sorry buddy, you're dirty, time for a bath. I throw them both in the bath. Lily is my water baby, I have to keep her from diving in most of the time. Jayden hates baths. And when I say hate, I mean this boy would never ever take a bath if I let him. Tears undressing, refused to sit, I washed him standing, it made him mad so he starts to stomp in the bathtub. I wouldn't have mind so much except his poor little sister is sitting in the tub getting splashed in the face looking at him like the crazy 3yr old he is. I warn him. Finished washing his body and face (no hair tonight or the world would end as we know it). Told him all done and you can get out now. I wrap him in a towel he gets to the door way, throws it off in protest and runs butt naked into the living room. Fine, you're going to get cold. I go back to washing my angel Lily girl, who is having a ball now that her sissy la la of a brother is out of her way. I get her out, get her dressed.
Jayden is naked on the couch playing with his peepee. After 15min or so he informs me that he does not want a pee. Mind you, he has been pulling on it, squeezing it, flopping it around while watching TV. I'm sitting on the other couch cracking up at my innocent 3yr old's body play. He's never naked, it's only natural. This is not an everyday occurence in our house. I ask him why he doesn't want a peepee. No answer. I say, "You have a peepee like Daddy and Lily has one like Mommy because we are girls" Perhaps that was too much because his response was, "Can I see?" I respond, "It's just like
Lily's honey." Knowing that she was just naked and in the bath was enough for his memory to connect the dots apparently. Whew. Dodged the vagina and penis comparison. Awesome. Lily goes to bed. My lil hellion, I mean angel left. He's now barking orders that he wants his "favorite fruit" (x20). Ummm, "strawberries?" "NO!" "orange?" "NO!" "banana?" "NO!" "apple" "NO....YES!" Ok, good He's eating and watching a cartoon. All of a sudden I see him spit his apple out behind the couch (it's not against the wall). Excuse me! We do not spit out our food! Pick that up right now! 1....2....he picks it up and throws it in the kitchen. Jayden! Pick that up and put it in the trash we do not spit or throw our food on the floor! 1....2.....3....SPANK! Tears. Hugs. Explanation. At this point my patience is running low. We continue to experience screams, tantrums, etc. By 7pm, I've had it, I grab him (after giving him the usual warnings) and put him to bed. I tell him it's not ok to act like this. It's not ok. He of course flips out. I give him 5min and let him try on more time to come out in the living room. He wants my work laptop, no. "I want to wait until you're done" lol. You can have daddy's computer. "I want to watch a movie" Ok which one? "ummm Ice age." Ok sure. Watching ice age. I make popcorn and he flips out because he wants the big bowl. Here we go again. I make it to 8pm and off to bed he goes!! 8:30 he's still yelling "I. DONT. WANT. TO GO. TO. BED!!!" "ahhhhhhhh" I think he's even starting to yell the word "crap" but im not sure.
I didn't go to bed til midnight. Pure exhaustion.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Busy little bees
Today was busy! Woke up and got me and the kids ready for Easter pics. Headed out picked up donuts on the way and it was show time. We had some breakfast first. Got Lily ready by doing her hair, a moment that sometimes is filled with squirming and whining...sometimes complete stillness. It still is a moment I thoroughly enjoy and will forever cherish. We go outside and let the games begin! Jayden runs off to play, Lily runs off to play in the water toys. Bring on the bunnies! Their next door neighbor Pat hands over 3 bunnies over the fence (in cages) and we are herding the "cattle" bunnies & babies! Manny is still not satisfied with the lighting (aka the suns position). He continues to maneuver the background, rotate, switch out equipment, Jayden won't look up or stop squinting because the sun is too bright. We get a cover to provide some shade but not too much to shade the photos. I'm grabbing bunnies and babies, easter eggs & baskets..startin to bust a sweat. The backyard is is a tad under construction and the plantar box is muddy. Lily keeps crossing over it, which means when she leans over to take a step she's stepping on her dress, the dress is starting to get muddy. Jaydens pants are getting wet from him playing in the water. Once the bunnies jumped all over the yard they finally stayed put. Time to bust out some bribes...bring on the m&m's!! It worked! We got SOME pics, of course having them BOTH sit still, look up AND smile is nothing shy of a miracle.
Not 5min after we leave they are both passed out on the way home. I always love seeing to sleeping kids in the rear view mirror until I realize when I get home I'm the only one getting both kids out of the car and laying them down for naps. Needless to say only one stayed asleep and Mr J relaxed on the couch but never napped.
Backing up, before we got home, my neighbor was walking down the street as I was turning the corner. I waived hello and she motioned for me to roll down the window. She informed me that her two yr old daughter was missing. She said she was walking this direction while her 10yr old son walked the other direction looking for her. I had my eyes peeled as I slowly drove up to our house. Thankfully as I approached our driveway I saw the two kids walking past. I immediately phoned my friend and told her that her son had found her. Apparently, she made it all the way around the corner and was about to cross the street to go to the park behind our block!! Thankfully a neighbor was outside washing his car when he noticed her unattended. Prevented her from crossing and walked her back towards the direction she came from when her brother came. Mom was ready to call 911 to report a missing child. This all took place in 2min putting the clothes in the dryer and POOF the little Houdini vanished that fast!!
So, while Jayden is begging I step outside after texting her back and forth for 30min we decide to have a glass of wine to help calm the nerves. We're standing outside chatting about what happened (she lives 2 doors down we are standing in between our houses) and as I go to walk back home I take two steps on our front lawn and get stung by a bee! Ouch!! Her husband walks over to hand me one of Dj's tools back and I said, "I think I just got stung!" He asks if I got he stinger out and I'm like I don't know! It just happened 30 seconds ago! Lol, Mr. Paramedic checked my foot & no stinger thankfully it came out when I pinched/rubbed my foot out of reaction. I go inside and immediately ice it. Mind you, I already took Motrin & Sudafed for allergy relief. Just had a glass of wine and now have a bee sting on the inside arch of my foot! Nevertheless, I'm feelin mighty fine and couldn't care less. Haha! Dj gets home and I'm off to the store to grocery shopping. Swollen foot and all. :)
I go back to Tiffany's to get some eggs from her chickens, browse some of the pics and decide to check out the neighborhood Fresh & Easy market. I liked it! It was literally fresh & easy! And I like their prices! Ill be going back again :)
After my return home, juggling toddlers running outside while unloading groceries from the car we let the kids run around a bit. Except, Jayden wasn't listening to daddy say put some pants and shoes on. Which eventually led to a time out, inside, where it was meltdown city. Cranky boy, no nap. Wonderful. He takes off to go work on his engine at a friends house now it's "tag you're it" my turn again with the kid duty. Felt like its been a marathon of a day.
I do not want to go to work tomorrow. Oh we'll back to the grind.
Not 5min after we leave they are both passed out on the way home. I always love seeing to sleeping kids in the rear view mirror until I realize when I get home I'm the only one getting both kids out of the car and laying them down for naps. Needless to say only one stayed asleep and Mr J relaxed on the couch but never napped.
Backing up, before we got home, my neighbor was walking down the street as I was turning the corner. I waived hello and she motioned for me to roll down the window. She informed me that her two yr old daughter was missing. She said she was walking this direction while her 10yr old son walked the other direction looking for her. I had my eyes peeled as I slowly drove up to our house. Thankfully as I approached our driveway I saw the two kids walking past. I immediately phoned my friend and told her that her son had found her. Apparently, she made it all the way around the corner and was about to cross the street to go to the park behind our block!! Thankfully a neighbor was outside washing his car when he noticed her unattended. Prevented her from crossing and walked her back towards the direction she came from when her brother came. Mom was ready to call 911 to report a missing child. This all took place in 2min putting the clothes in the dryer and POOF the little Houdini vanished that fast!!
So, while Jayden is begging I step outside after texting her back and forth for 30min we decide to have a glass of wine to help calm the nerves. We're standing outside chatting about what happened (she lives 2 doors down we are standing in between our houses) and as I go to walk back home I take two steps on our front lawn and get stung by a bee! Ouch!! Her husband walks over to hand me one of Dj's tools back and I said, "I think I just got stung!" He asks if I got he stinger out and I'm like I don't know! It just happened 30 seconds ago! Lol, Mr. Paramedic checked my foot & no stinger thankfully it came out when I pinched/rubbed my foot out of reaction. I go inside and immediately ice it. Mind you, I already took Motrin & Sudafed for allergy relief. Just had a glass of wine and now have a bee sting on the inside arch of my foot! Nevertheless, I'm feelin mighty fine and couldn't care less. Haha! Dj gets home and I'm off to the store to grocery shopping. Swollen foot and all. :)
I go back to Tiffany's to get some eggs from her chickens, browse some of the pics and decide to check out the neighborhood Fresh & Easy market. I liked it! It was literally fresh & easy! And I like their prices! Ill be going back again :)
After my return home, juggling toddlers running outside while unloading groceries from the car we let the kids run around a bit. Except, Jayden wasn't listening to daddy say put some pants and shoes on. Which eventually led to a time out, inside, where it was meltdown city. Cranky boy, no nap. Wonderful. He takes off to go work on his engine at a friends house now it's "tag you're it" my turn again with the kid duty. Felt like its been a marathon of a day.
I do not want to go to work tomorrow. Oh we'll back to the grind.
Back in action
It's been a long time. Too long. I wonder why sometimes I don't continue to do the things I love to do, like write and then I look at my children. Oh that's right, that's why. These two keep me running...ragged. Sometimes my heart breaks because they are growing up so fast and it kills me that time moves so quickly. Other times I pray to God time would just fast forward already. The day when I no longer have a baby monitor next to my bed. The day I never have to change a diaper. Or wipe a butt. I would say wipe a dirty face but that will probably never change at least not for awhile. The days when I'm most frustrated I have taught myself for the most part to just simply smile through it. Freeze that moment when you want to join them in screaming at the top of your lungs, throw yourself on the ground and have a complete fit throwing meltdown tantrum right next to them. I wonder what their reaction would be? Jayden would probably tell me Mommy needs a time out. Lily would look at me with complete shock and think her mommy has lost her mind.
It's 1am and I'm finally starting to feel sleepy. I've had a great weekend so far. Tomorrow I'm taking the kids over to Tiffany & Manny's to take Easter pics. Now that Jayden got a haircut today and my child no longer looks like an orphan he's picture ready. Looking forward to tomorrow.
It's 1am and I'm finally starting to feel sleepy. I've had a great weekend so far. Tomorrow I'm taking the kids over to Tiffany & Manny's to take Easter pics. Now that Jayden got a haircut today and my child no longer looks like an orphan he's picture ready. Looking forward to tomorrow.
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