We had another date night last night (more like 24hrs!) and had soooooo much fun!
Jayden spent the night at Grandma & Grandpa Wolf's house and we had a GREAT TIME!
First, I try and go get a pedi and the lady tells me, "no, sowwy, no buddy here. I do her nails (she had a customer in front of her)." I ask her, "can I wait until your done?" "i have do her first..." I'm like ok whatever. damn it. I really wanted one. Dj had dropped me off and went around the corner to visit his friend Matt. I ask if her was home and ended up just walking around the corner to his house. We hang out for awhile and visit.
Then we go to Toys' R Us and do some DAMAGE! LOL. Well, we did get a case of diapers (228ct), gripe water, candy (for the movies), mylicon, a high chair cover, swim trunks for jayden (so cute), a 4th of july outfit and another lil cute frog outfit.
We were in the parking lot of Roger's Jewelers and decided to get out rings (and my earrings) cleaned. However, we discovered that my warranty had expired (it's already been over 5yrs!!). So I renew it, $100 dollars later....we're off.
Fill up at Chevron.
Go to Target and exchange the 3 pkgs of diapers (he's in size 2's now!) for formula. First time we are buying diapers since he's been born! All the diapers that we received at my baby showers lasted us 2 months!! So now we have 2 cases of diapers & still 1/2 a case of wipes. We're in good shape.
Then we go to Osaka Sushi. OUR FAVORITE. YUMMMMMMMMY!!
Walk over to United Artist and catch an 8 o'clock showing of Shrek Forever After in 3D. It was awesome!! We're loving the movie and keep looking at each other thinking we miss Jayden (it went along with the movie message). We keep mimicking Jayden's cooing with each other. He says,"aaaaaa-ooooo" So cute! Funny how you can't wait for a break then all you do is talk about you kid. lol.
Home bound, we come home and Dj instantly CRASHES (10:40). Me on the other hand am WIDE awake tryin to post some pics to my previous blogs, havin difficulty. Call it quits at 1:30 and last time I looked at the clock was 1:45! ugh.
I wake up at 10 (least I got 8 hrs) and Dj woke up at 9 (he got 10hrs, poor guy needed a recharge). I make some coffee...take some motrin my back was killin me and we go out to breakfast at IHOP. YUM!! I'm diggin pancakes lately. =) Dj got some blueberry pancakes that had creamcheese filling, yuck, they were so sweet it was crazy, he loved it.
Then we go to Natomas to go to Tilly's to return one of the shirts I bought him for his birthday. He uses the store credit and ends up getting 3 more shirts.
Then we walk across the way to Journey's to look at shoes. Dj is so damn picky about his shoes, that's why I could never pick them out for him. I'd choose them and he'd be unsure until he sees ALL options. LOL. He ends up getting a nice white pair of DC's with blue and black logo, they're nice. I try on a pair of converse shoes and love them! They are white with black and pink writing on it that says, "he loves me, he loves me not <3" and got a free pair of flip flops for spending $50 lol. score.
Then we go to AAA and update my policy (finally!) to my new name and add him on my policy. Wahooo.
We come home and relax, Jayden went with my mom to visit Great Great Aunt Helen (unfortunately he was being a lil booger at her house). Dj and I finally watch Avatar (we bought it a week ago). It was a WEIRD movie. I kept asking him what is this rated? There's cursing and killing! Thought it was more of a kid movie but guess not! He loved it, it was alright to me.
Tried to take a nap but no luck so I head over to my mom's around 5 to see my baby that I miss so much! It's been 24hrs since I've seen him!! He's asleep lookin so cute with his legs tucked in layin on his tummy in MY OLD ROOM ON MY OLD BED! So weird to grow up in that house since I was 10yrs old and now my baby is sleeping in there. =) He sleeps until 7, I feed him & change him and then we go over to Brie's Aunt Patty's house to visit. She's in town to pick up Cassie (her cousin who's going to visit for 3 wks) and is leavin tomorrow. I'm tempted to leave Jayden with Cassie and Aunt Patty but just decide to get him home for bed (plus I didn't have any formula with me and I ALWAYS DO!). So the girls went out and I came home with my lil precious, fed him and he's OUT! Put him in his crib and has been down since 9:30.
Dj is out hanging with the boys. I'm glad he could get some guy time, he deserves it.
And here I am, loungin on the couch, watching Fresh Prince of Bel Air crackin up & updatin my blog. =)
Tomorrow we are going to Mountain View to visit my sister in-law, Jayden's FIRST road trip! Wish us luck!
Monday we're having a Memorial Day BBQ!
This weekend has been that best!!! =)