Sunday, June 6, 2010

Troubled Heart

I don't know why (kinda do) but I've been a little sad on the friend front. I love my life and it's definitely has a perfect view, yet I find myself lonely. Being home with Jayden has been the best experience ever and I wouldn't trade it for the world, yet I don't have many girlfriends to call up and go hang out with. Yes, I just went out on a date with an old friend, but that hasn't happened in a looooong time. I can't even remember the last time we hung out.

My best friend lives in San Diego, and my other two good friends are also in San Diego and Palmdale.

Brieanna has her cousin visiting so I don't want to bother her with calling her like I have been for the past several weeks. It's almost a ritual & routine we created by texting each other good morning when we wake up. Sharing a cup of coffee over the phone, calling each other later in the morning/afternoon as I listen to the twins babble and talk like big girls (they're 2). Then again in the late afternoon/evening and saying goodnight before we go to bed. I miss that, not only because it kept me company but because I miss her so much. I want to talk to her but I also feel like I have nothing to say other than the news of Jayden. So with her cousin visiting for 3 weeks I don't call. I try not to text, knowing she is busy doing her own thing. I'll be going back to work soon and I'm sure I will speak to her less as well. God I don't want to go back to work.

Roseanna works nights and has a different schedule, I'm used to not talking to her frequently it's kind of the norm when she moves away although we speak sparatically we pick up right where we left off when she left, and I'm ok with that.

Julianna and I keep in touch from time to time even when she was still downtown. We just have our own lives. We both enjoy spending our time as we prefer to. Which she was the bar type and I'm over that scene. I know she was more homebound when she still lived here yet I didn't take the opportunity when it was available. She's much more social and I, we enjoy the same things yet I'm always second guessing the concert in the park, time at the river, brewfest type of things (even though I enjoy myself when I go I have kind have grooved myself into more low key events).

Not to mention my lil sis Tess being in Washington, boo!

I love them all very much, it sucks having my first baby and not being able to share him with my best friends.

I miss them all very much.


  1. I am not your one of your besties, but I am in the same situation as you! :) Any time you want to talk, you got my #! It super sucks not having a BFF there for you...but I am sure they miss you as much as you do them, if not more. Xoxox!

  2. it's time to find some mommy friends! Check with your local/closest library for local story times, it's great to start now it sounds crazy but there will be new moms too and look online for mom's clubs (library might have info on this front too) there is a global one called MOMS Club Int., and another one but I can't think of the name. Hospitals should have info, or local (expencive window shopping kind of) baby stores or like they say boutiques normally can point you in the right direction. Trust me when I say it's normal when you have a baby and your life changes in ways they don't really tell you.

  3. Thank you guys!!
    Ashley Im'a be texting you lol.
    Carin thank you for those websites! I'm kind of used to just hanging out with Dj for the last few years now...yet having a baby you think you'd have more of the feeling of "company" but I don't. lol. I'm definitely going to look into those groups!
