I've recently wanted to make my blog private. There is one reader that I would like to block, however, only being a public reader I can't do that.
THEN I discovered the Stats tab. Holy crap! I thought that I was making this blog thinking I'd only have a few followers and it's for myself anyway so whatever.
Did you know that I've had over 500 people read my blog since I've started?! DANG! That may seem like nothing to some of you major bloggers out there but to lil ole me that's pretty cool!! I can see what Countries are reading my blog, such as Malaysia, India, Germany, South Africa. I can see where they are reading from such as Browsers or Operating Systems. I know if Fire Fox or Internet Explorer is being used for example. Also, if you are using your Android, Windows phones or an ipad! How awesome is that???
I know someone is thinking, can you tell if it's me? No I can't. But I'm debating keeping in public vs private.
To be determined...
OMG! I didn't know that you could find all that stuff out! Awesome! I am looking now!