Monday, July 25, 2011


So today was our 20wk ultrasound appointment. I scheduled it a month ago. Dj and I had our gender ultrasound at 17wks so he told me after I had invited Julianna that he was going to go to work so he didn't miss any time and that her and I could go. He said I just saw the baby a few weeks ago. I was ok with that.
So the time comes and Dj was taken off work for 2 wks because he has some kind of tendonitis. He's in a splint and in so much pain he's on Norco and motrin. =( Anyhow, I ask him if he wanted to go work not being an issue now. Originally he said, it's ok you two girls can go. Which I didn't think very much about it then realized how much it bothered me. When I asked him again he said sure I'll go. I thought, good answer. LOL
So we leave at 715am to go pick up Ju downtown and head out to Roseville. I originally had my appt scheduled in Elk Grove but ran into an old co-worker who is now the Supervisor over the Imaging locations and she encouraged me to go because they have new 3D equipment. "I could see more of the baby for free" I thought win win right?
haha....ya right
We get to Roseville a little early stop at starbucks and head over to the Imaging office. I check in 5min early and they ask me did you drink your water? I said, no (remembering the instructions from when I used to work in Imaging) they didn't tell me! Honest!! Ugh so now I get to guzzle four 8oz cups of water. I do so. Drinking cold water is my favorite anyway. I wait about 10min and I'm called back. I have Dj & Ju follow me. I say Good Morning to the ultrasound tech at the door, she does not introduce herself to me (according to Sutter scripting you are to introduce yourself, she fails). We go back to the room I lay on the exam table unbutton my jeans and wiggle them down so my belly is exposed. At this point the tech is not saying much but I already get the vibe that she isn't very friendly. I tell her my friend has never seen an ultrasound before. She replies, "me either". haha we giggle. Yet when she started the ultrasound she tells me, "I understand you didn't drink your water so lets see how full it is and we can go from there. Ok so she checks, "it's not as full as I'd like it to be so I'm going to go ahead and take all these measurments, there's about 40 here and then I'll turn the screen and we can take a look at the baby." I thought ok, I was able to see the screen when I had Jayden's ultrasound but whatever. I'm really trying to not snap at her because for one, I'm an employee and already feel that I'm not receiving great patient care two, as a patient I'm not satisfied, and three, I'm a hormonal, emotional pregnant woman i'm trying not to sit up and slap her across her face. I was so disappointed!!
I laid there for almost 30min and had to tilt my head up awkwardly to be able to see the screen!! I'm glad Julianna saw it all. She tried asking a question like when the tech typed AR on the screen she wanted to know what that meant. The tech responded, "Abdominal radius" with the attitude of "can't you see that" . Look bitch, WE are not the technicians here. WE do not know exactly what we are looking at!
I told her my favorite part was being able to hear the heartbeat. I asked her if we would be able to hear it and she shakes her head no. I waited for a reason to her answer......and then she says we aren't sure with this equipment if there are any effects to the baby so we don't use the sound waves.
THEN I asked can we have a 3D sneak peek? ONE OF THE REASONS WHY I DROVE ALL THE WAY TO ROSEVILLE....she tells me, "you don't have the greatest conditions (forget the word she said) to do it. There isn't enough fluid." We were all like, uhhhhhh, what do you mean?!?!? Dj finally asked,"is that because her bladder isn't full?" And she says, "no she's up against the wall and there isn't any fluid in between. plus her hands will get in the way" I didn't say anything because obviously I'm not the professional yet I totally felt like I was being lied to! I was thinking to myself I had a 3D pic of Jayden all with hands next to his face it doesn't make a difference!!
So she wraps up what she needs to capture and says lets have a look at that bladder. She pressed so hard on my pelvic bone I almost jumped off the table in a V shape position and smacked her out of auto reaction! OUCH!! What the hell is your problem? Do you not know how to locate a bladder? It's definitely NOT under that thing that feels like a rock called my BONE!! After she was done I wiped my belly and went to the restroom to empty my FULL bladder (thank you). Dj and Ju asked if everything was ok and the tech says "Oh im just the ultrasound tech, I just take the pictures, you'll have to wait for the radiologist to let the dr know if anything is wrong. Plus if anything were wrong, I wouldn't want to be the one to tell you" WTF?!
I left deeply disappointed.
So as I'm trying not to cry while driving because now I'm thinking, shit what if there IS something wrong and I don't know it yet. =(

LUCKILY, I have online access to my medical records and I got an email notification saying I had a message. I log on and my Nurse Practitioner sent me an email saying "Hi Christy, Ultrasound looks great! Be Well ~Robyn" I was so relieved! I thought I would have to wait a couple days for the results but I finally felt I was receiving the patient care I knew I should have this morning. THEN I walked over to my old office asked if the ultrasound techs were busy (they weren't), swiped my badge and walked to the back to ask my old co-worker a ultrasound technician, if all what I was told this morning was accurate. For the most part, I can scratch the feeling of being lied to off my list. Yet, the overall experience...FAIL!!!!!

Tomorrow is a brand new day! Tuesday in Natomas, I enjoy my commute. =)

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